Friday, April 4, 2008

Google Earth - Zoom In!

Cartography, uptil some time ago, was the only means of graphs or mapping in the world. Cardreaders and & 39; card is a science, the intricacies that may not be available to all the laity. However, the commercial exploitation of & 39; cards were designed for a long period. They are particularly useful for tourists and for drivers. The major disadvantage of paper-2-D maps was that since time immemorial, the place or the specific area. During an atlas, in theory, is a collection of maps from around the world, details minutes & 39; them can be & 39; s expected.
Google earth, the newest version of & 39; application from the & 39; Internet giant Google, aims to change that. L & 39; A key feature of this application, it promises detailed maps with precision & 39; No matter where on this planet. Similarly, & 39; image of the man created & 39; buildings, trees, parks, mountains, if you wish, in 3-D. It & 39; talking & 39; a method of & 39; acquisition of information & 39; n & 39; any place in the world. Google Earth is simply an extraordinary technological feat. D & 39; one fell swoop, it has dominated the cards & 39; business. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection. Only download the software and see the world from your desktop.
Google Earth employs to & 39; d & 39; use satellite images, maps and equipment conventional extremely demanding of the technology to protect the data on your desktop. Simply enter & 39; of the situation in the software (powered by the award-winning Google Search), and the card is immediately available. In addition, the Google search provides a list of research centers facts relating to your subject. This technology makes finding & 39; schools, parks, homes, including hotels and restaurants, anywhere in the world is very simple. Not only is to provide instruction, a place to & 39;, the software also allows you to rotate and tilt the map full. This makes it easier for you, so as & 39; assess the situation on the ground in urban areas 3-D detail.
A many opportunities & 39; adjustment tools are available for different users. You can bookmark or your favorite searches and share them with your family and friends. Google Earth uses KML. It & 39; talking & 39; a format that enables the exchange of data & 39; allows the user & 39; for their comments on the map, or the view, and also allows the sharing of this information . The card is formatted in the form of levels of certain characteristics of each layer. For example, a layer of footwear, geographical features, mientras & 39; Another information on schools, hospitals, shopping malls and airports at the disposal of interested parties.

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